A | m2 | Cross sectional of the core plug |
Ao | Pa | Area under the imbibition pc-curve between Sspw and 1-Sor |
Aw | Pa | Area under the imbibition pc-curve between Sspo and Scw |
Io | | Amott index for oil |
Iw | | Amott index for water |
g | m/s2 | Centrifugal acceleration |
K | m2 | Permeability |
kri | | Relative permeability for phase i |
kro | | Relative oil permeability |
kro,cw | | Relative oil permeability at connate water saturation |
krw | | Relative water permeability |
krw,or | | Relative water permeability at residual oil saturation |
L | m | Length |
M | | End-point mobility ratio |
Ms | | Shock front mobility ratio |
no | | Corey exponent for oil |
nw | | Corey exponent for water |
Nb | | Bond number |
Nc | | Capillary number |
pc | Pa | Capillary pressure |
po | Pa | Oil pressure |
pw | Pa | Water pressure, wetting-phase pressure |
pnw | Pa | Non-wetting phase pressure |
P | Pa | Pressure difference |
pi | Pa | Pressure difference in phase i |
q | m3/s | Flow rate |
qi | m3/s | Flow rate in phase i |
Sw | | Water saturation |
So | | Oil saturation |
Sf | | Shock front saturation |
Scw | | Connate water saturation |
Sor | | Residual oil saturation |
Sspo | | Spontaneous oil imbibition saturation |
Sspw | | Spontaneous water imbibition saturation |
S1,23 | Pa.m | Spreading coefficient of fluid 1 in between fluids 2 and 3 |
U | | USBM wettability index |
 | | difference indicator |
 | | Porosity |
 | Pa.s | Viscosity |
i | Pa.s | Viscosity of phase i |
 | Pa.m | Interfacial tension |
 | kg/m3 | Density |